400 m run
2 min squat stretch
1 min air squats
1 min dead hang
30 sec burpees
-50 wallball shots 20/14
Lunge 50 ft
25 KB swings 55/35
Lunge 100 ft
-40 KB swings
Lunge 50 ft
20 wallball shots
Lunge 100ft
-30 wall ball shots
Lunge 50 ft
15 KB swings
Lunge 100 ft
-20 KB swings
Lunge 50 ft
10 wall ball shots
Lunge 100ft
-10 wall ball shots
Lunge 50ft
5 KB swings
Modifying options:
-air squats instead of wall ball shots
-10 step ups on box = 50ft
-always choose weight as form allows
3rds of
30 hollow rock
30 supermans
10 pull-ups



[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#ff6e00″ icon=”fa-tablet” headline=”Wod Advice” shape=”round” width=”full” last=”true” class=”democolor”]”patient fast” on this workout.  Try to hit the big chunks of reps in half (50/40/30/maybe the 20)  think small breaks and get back on it.  On lunge steps will be where you can potentially recover based on the pace you step at….take a deep breathe between each step right before you step out to the next one.  Stay tall and breathe deep.  To get the most out of each KB swing, aim to keep the bottom of the bell facing the ceiling with arms locked out.  This will save and strengthen your mid-line as opposed to finishing the swing with “soft arms and elbows”  Good luck, work hard!!!