OPEN GYM – Optional WOD Below

800m run
3 rds of
20 halo with plate 35/15
5 burpees
10 back ext or 15 supermans


1 min dead hang
1 min plank hold
50 slamballs
25 med ball cleans 20/14
1:15 dead hang
1:15 plank hold
40 Slamballs
20 med ball cleans
1:30 dead hang
1:30 plank hold
30 Slamballs
15 med ball cleans
1:45 dead hang
1:45 plank hold
20 Slamballs
10 medball cleans
2 min dead hang
2 min plank hold
10 Slamballs
5 med ball cleans

•Dead hang and plank holds will be accumulative
•be honest with the count get full work NOT 1 sec short




100 hollow rocs




[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#ff6e00″ icon=”fa-tablet” headline=”Wod Advice” shape=”round” width=”full” last=”true” class=”democolor”]*start to break up the holds in the beginning. You want to try to avoid going to failure especially with grip in dead hang early in the workout. Pace and push later in longer workouts