12th Day of Christmas-Pullups

400 M RUN
spend 10-15 min setting up station, warming up, and find a group of 2-4 people if you want  can work off same bars (men weight/ women weight
-ok to go solo

Merry Christmas metcon

12 pull-ups or muscle ups (ring or bar)
11 box jumps 24//20
10 lunge steps
9 situps
8 wall ball shots 14//20
7 slam balls (red ball doesn’t matter weight no heavy d ball)
6 pushups
5 deadlifts 135//85-95
4 air squats
3 cleans 135//85-95
2 burpee over bar
1 clean n jerk 135//85-95

-scale weight as needed or as form allows
-muscle ups on the bar or rings
-scale for pull-ups will be band or jumping pullups
-box jumps can step down and step up

3 ways to do this workout
1. in a group of 2-4 people per bar
2. competitor style (LONG VERSION)
3. solo

1- start with 1 clean n jerk and then wait for other members to complete 1 clean n jerk……. then you move to 2 burpees and wait for all other members to do 2 burpees….. then you do 1 clean n jerk and wait for each member to perform 1 clean n jerk.  You will finish with this pattern until you go all the way up to 12 pull ups then as a group always moving down the list.  THIS IS THE FASTEST WAY IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO THE LONG VERSION.

2-LONG VERSION : everyone will start 1 clean n jerk then person that started will do 2 burpees 1 clean n jerk then partner(s) follow in the same fashion.  Then 3 cleans 2 burpees 1 clean n jerk then partner goes…. so partner doesn’t go until person working goes all the way down the list and clean n jerk will be the trigger to start the next person.

3-SOLO do like the song and always working back to clean n jerk…. 1 clean n jerk then 2 burpees 1 clean n jerk then 3-2-1….last set will be 12-11-10-9-8-7…….1 clean n jerk